Current conditions from King Hill
Updated every minute
  Monday October 21, 2024
Current Conditions - connect directly to the weather station
  Office Temp: 72.5°F
  1 Hour difference -2.1°F
  24 Hour difference -0.4°F
High: 74.4°F at 1:49 PM
Low : 53.7°F at 7:49 AM
Record Hi: 74° in 2017
Record Low: 31° in 2018
Dew Point 51.4°F
  1 Hour difference -1°F
  24 Hour difference 6°F
High: 55.7°F at 1:49 PM
Low : 43.0°F at 12:13 AM
  Office Humidity: 52%
  1 Hour difference 4%
  24 Hour difference 19%
High: 84% at 9:05 PM
Low : 47% at 2:01 PM
Wind   "Calm"
  Wind Run: 74.3 miles
SW @ 0 mph
Gust: 0 mph
Top Gust: 16 mph at 9:55 AM
Top Gust this hour: 4 mph
Feels Like Heat Index: 56°F
Wind Chill: 56°F
Heat Index: 73°F at 1:46 PM
Wind Chill: 53°F at 7:47 AM
30.088 in.
  1 Hour difference 0.016
  24 Hour difference -0.014
High: 30.088 in. at 9:24 PM
Low : 29.995 in. at 2:28 PM
Precip Today
  Precip. last occurred on
  October 18, 2024
  (3 days ago)
0.00 in.
  Rate 0.00 in. per hour
  Storm Rain: 0.00
  24 Hr Rain: 0.00
October: 2.54 in.
Year: 4.78 in.
Record for Today: 0.53 in 2016
Solar Radiation Radiation: 0 W/m2
Evapotranspiration: 0.099 in.
Sun/Moon Data 7:17 AM 
8:44 PM 
5:56 PM 
12:43 PM 
Console Forecast Mostly clear with little temperature change.

Yesterday's Summary - NWS style summary
Temperature High: 67.9°F at 2:36 PM
Low : 38.4°F at 7:07 AM
Ave: 53.2°F
Dew Point High: 48.5°F at 4:32 PM
Low : 35.4°F at 7:07 AM
Ave: 41.4°F
Wind Top Gust: 17 mph at 3:41 PM
Wind Run: 63.0 miles
Ave: 2.6 mph
Felt Like Max Heat Index: 67°F at 2:07 PM
Min Wind Chill: 37°F at 7:40 AM
Barometer High: 30.333 in. at 12:01 AM
Low : 30.077 in. at 11:57 PM
Ave: 30.196 in.
Precip 0.00 in.
Snowfall yesterday: 0.0 in.
Degree Days Heating: 12 Cooling: 0
Solar Radiation Max Radiation: 538 W/m2
Evapotranspiration: 0.081 in.

Monthly/Annual Summary
  OCTOBER 2024
Temperature High: 74.4°F on Oct 21 1:49 PM
Low : 28.1°F on Oct 17 7:07 AM
High: 84.1°F on Sep 16 4:20 PM
Low : 28.1°F on Oct 17 7:07 AM
Dew Point High: 61.1°F on Oct 1 12:20 PM
Low : 26.6°F on Oct 17 7:07 AM
High: 71.3°F on Sep 16 1:55 PM
Low : 26.6°F on Oct 17 7:07 AM
Wind Top Gust: 36 mph on Oct 12 5:24 AM
Wind Run: 839.6 miles
Top Gust: 36 mph on Oct 12 5:24 AM
Wind Run: 1367.2 miles
Barometer High: 30.507 in. on Oct 19 6:10 AM
Low : 29.568 in. on Oct 12 2:55 AM
High: 30.507 in. on Oct 19 6:10 AM
Low : 29.568 in. on Oct 12 2:55 AM
Snow 0.0 in.
0.0 in. (Jul-Jun)
Degree Days Heating: 303
Cooling: 0
Heating: 403 (Jul-Jun)
Cooling: 20 (Jan-Dec)


Westford Outlook


Tonight: Mostly clear, with a low around 49. Calm wind.
Mostly Clear

Lo 49 °F
Mostly clear, with a low around 49. Calm wind.   Tuesday

Tuesday: Sunny, with a high near 71. South wind 5 to 8 mph.

Hi 71 °F
Sunny, with a high near 71. South wind 5 to 8 mph.

For the full forecast, visit the forecast page


Current Web Cam:
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3 Hr Time Lapse   Yesterday's Time Lapse


Current Radar Loop:


Today in Vermont Weather History
From The Vermont Weather Book

1926 - Early snow: 7" at Woodstock, 6" at Hanover, N.H. (across from Norwich).

Sun Position


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