NOUS41 KBTV 120428
Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Burlington VT
1128 PM EST Wed Dec 11 2024
Location Amount Time/Date Provider
...New York...
...Clinton County...
Chazy 1.01 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
Ellenburg 1.01 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
Plattsburgh International Ai 0.95 in 1053 PM 12/11 ASOS
Saranac 0.95 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
...Essex County...
Port Henry 1.93 in 1115 PM 12/11 CWOP
0.5 NE Port Henry 1.84 in 1045 PM 12/11 HADS
Ticonderoga 1.79 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
Loch Muller 1.74 in 1117 PM 12/11 CWOP
SCHROON LAKE 1.69 in 1116 PM 12/11 CWOP
Essex 1.58 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
North Hudson 1.41 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
Newcomb 0.98 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
1.1 W Severance 0.88 in 1107 PM 12/11 HADS
Whiteface Mountain Base 0.86 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
...Franklin County...
SARANAC LAKE 1.01 in 1120 PM 12/11 CWOP
Gabriels 1.01 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
Tupper Lake 0.90 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
Adirondack Airport 0.89 in 1109 PM 12/11 ASOS
Malone 0.86 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
...St. Lawrence County...
Potsdam 1.22 in 1115 PM 12/11 CWOP
Potsdam 1.15 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
2.6 W Gouverneur 1.07 in 0700 PM 12/11 COOP
Edwards 1.00 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
Louisville 0.88 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
Edwardsville 0.71 in 1115 PM 12/11 CWOP
Massena Airport 0.68 in 1053 PM 12/11 ASOS
1 WSW Edwardsville 0.55 in 1120 PM 12/11 NYSM
...Addison County...
Brooksville 1.91 in 1030 PM 12/11 HADS
STARKSBORO 1.78 in 1120 PM 12/11 CWOP
Addison 1.73 in 1119 PM 12/11 CWOP
Middlebury 1.39 in 1119 PM 12/11 CWOP
...Caledonia County...
Lyndonville 1.89 in 1059 PM 12/11 CWOP
...Chittenden County...
South Burlington 1.98 in 1120 PM 12/11 AWS
Milton 1.90 in 1115 PM 12/11 CWOP
Colchester 1.71 in 1059 PM 12/11 CWOP
Burlington Intl Airport 1.70 in 1054 PM 12/11 ASOS
JERICHO 1.60 in 1119 PM 12/11 CWOP
Milton 1.52 in 1115 PM 12/11 CWOP
Charlotte 1.27 in 1115 PM 12/11 CWOP
Milton 1.26 in 1120 PM 12/11 CWOP
SHELBURNE 1.23 in 0518 PM 12/11 CWOP
Milton 2.9 SSE 0.78 in 0137 PM 12/11 COCORAHS
...Franklin County...
Georgia 1.46 in 1115 PM 12/11 CWOP
Enosburgh 1.33 in 1116 PM 12/11 CWOP
2 ESE Swanton Junction 1.31 in 1120 PM 12/11 AWS
Franklin 1.17 in 1120 PM 12/11 AWS
3 SSW Highgate Falls 1.04 in 1120 PM 12/11 AWS
1.8 NE East Berkshire 0.84 in 1045 PM 12/11 HADS
...Grand Isle County...
Grand Isle 1.20 in 1120 PM 12/11 CWOP
Alburgh 0.92 in 1115 PM 12/11 CWOP
...Lamoille County...
0.8 W Johnson (VTWAC) 1.81 in 1120 PM 12/11 MESOWEST
Stowe 2.4 N 0.81 in 0105 PM 12/11 COCORAHS
...Rutland County...
1.6 NW West Bridgewater 2.51 in 0900 PM 12/11 HADS
1.6 NW West Bridgewater 2.19 in 1030 PM 12/11 HADS
Danby 2.10 in 1120 PM 12/11 CWOP
Rutland Airport 1.34 in 1111 PM 12/11 AWOS
...Washington County...
4 NE Waitsfield 1.80 in 1120 PM 12/11 AWS
Worcester 1.55 in 1118 PM 12/11 CWOP
Montpelier Airport 1.44 in 1117 PM 12/11 ASOS
BARRE 1.30 in 1115 PM 12/11 CWOP
4.5 S Waterbury 1.14 in 1100 PM 12/11 HADS
MONTPELIER 0.72 in 1115 PM 12/11 CWOP
...Windsor County...
Rochester 2.22 in 1115 PM 12/11 CWOP
Springfield Airport 1.54 in 1054 PM 12/11 ASOS
2.2 S Perkinsville 0.93 in 1030 PM 12/11 HADS
:12/11/2024,1053 PM, NY, Clinton, Plattsburgh International Airport, , , 44.65, -73.4667, RAIN, 0.95, Inch, ASOS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, Clinton, Saranac, , , 44.7076, -73.6712, RAIN, 0.95, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, Clinton, Chazy, , , 44.8957, -73.4646, RAIN, 1.01, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, Clinton, Ellenburg, , , 44.8955, -73.845, RAIN, 1.01, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, Essex, Whiteface Mountain Base, , , 44.3932, -73.8588, RAIN, 0.86, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1107 PM, NY, Essex, 1.1 W Severance, , , 43.8711, -73.7519, RAIN, 0.88, Inch, HADS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, Essex, Newcomb, , , 43.9733, -74.2227, RAIN, 0.98, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, Essex, North Hudson, , , 44.0131, -73.7052, RAIN, 1.41, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, Essex, Essex, , , 44.3136, -73.3719, RAIN, 1.58, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1116 PM, NY, Essex, SCHROON LAKE, , , 43.8368, -73.762, RAIN, 1.69, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1117 PM, NY, Essex, Loch Muller, , , 43.8527, -73.8808, RAIN, 1.74, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, Essex, Ticonderoga, , , 43.8747, -73.4188, RAIN, 1.79, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1045 PM, NY, Essex, 0.5 NE Port Henry, , , 44.0525, -73.4533, RAIN, 1.84, Inch, HADS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1115 PM, NY, Essex, Port Henry, , , 44.0427, -73.4557, RAIN, 1.93, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, Franklin, Malone, , , 44.8529, -74.3289, RAIN, 0.86, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1109 PM, NY, Franklin, Adirondack Airport, , , 44.4, -74.2, RAIN, 0.89, Inch, ASOS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, Franklin, Tupper Lake, , , 44.2213, -74.4383, RAIN, 0.9, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, Franklin, SARANAC LAKE, , , 44.3232, -74.145, RAIN, 1.01, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, Franklin, Gabriels, , , 44.4174, -74.1787, RAIN, 1.01, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, St. Lawrence, 1 WSW Edwardsville, , , 44.513, -75.6173, RAIN, 0.55, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1053 PM, NY, St. Lawrence, Massena Airport, , , 44.9333, -74.85, RAIN, 0.68, Inch, ASOS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1115 PM, NY, St. Lawrence, Edwardsville, , , 44.541, -75.5715, RAIN, 0.71, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, St. Lawrence, Louisville, , , 44.8717, -75.0561, RAIN, 0.88, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, St. Lawrence, Edwards, , , 44.3215, -75.2438, RAIN, 1, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,0700 PM, NY, St. Lawrence, 2.6 W Gouverneur, , , 44.354, -75.5123, RAIN, 1.07, Inch, COOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, NY, St. Lawrence, Potsdam, , , 44.6569, -74.9744, RAIN, 1.15, Inch, NYSM, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1115 PM, NY, St. Lawrence, Potsdam, , , 44.6623, -74.9983, RAIN, 1.22, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1119 PM, VT, Addison, Middlebury, , , 44.0133, -73.1813, RAIN, 1.39, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1119 PM, VT, Addison, Addison, , , 44.0875, -73.3218, RAIN, 1.73, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, VT, Addison, STARKSBORO, , , 44.1695, -73.0213, RAIN, 1.78, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1030 PM, VT, Addison, Brooksville, , , 44.0617, -73.1711, RAIN, 1.91, Inch, HADS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1059 PM, VT, Caledonia, Lyndonville, , , 44.556, -72.0057, RAIN, 1.89, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,0137 PM, VT, Chittenden, Milton 2.9 SSE, , , 44.583, -73.1017, RAIN, 0.78, Inch, COCORAHS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,0518 PM, VT, Chittenden, SHELBURNE, , , 44.3678, -73.1963, RAIN, 1.23, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, VT, Chittenden, Milton, , , 44.5997, -73.1535, RAIN, 1.26, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1115 PM, VT, Chittenden, Charlotte, , , 44.2669, -73.3053, RAIN, 1.27, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1115 PM, VT, Chittenden, Milton, , , 44.6175, -73.1535, RAIN, 1.52, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1119 PM, VT, Chittenden, JERICHO, , , 44.4655, -72.975, RAIN, 1.6, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1054 PM, VT, Chittenden, Burlington Intl Airport, , , 44.4667, -73.15, RAIN, 1.7, Inch, ASOS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1059 PM, VT, Chittenden, Colchester, , , 44.5505, -73.1967, RAIN, 1.71, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1115 PM, VT, Chittenden, Milton, , , 44.6383, -73.0528, RAIN, 1.9, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, VT, Chittenden, South Burlington, , , 44.4458, -73.215, RAIN, 1.98, Inch, AWS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1045 PM, VT, Franklin, 1.8 NE East Berkshire, , , 44.96, -72.6969, RAIN, 0.84, Inch, HADS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, VT, Franklin, 3 SSW Highgate Falls, , , 44.8856, -73.0419, RAIN, 1.04, Inch, AWS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, VT, Franklin, Franklin, , , 44.9797, -72.9219, RAIN, 1.17, Inch, AWS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, VT, Franklin, 2 ESE Swanton Junction, , , 44.8633, -73.0556, RAIN, 1.31, Inch, AWS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1116 PM, VT, Franklin, Enosburgh, , , 44.9178, -72.7762, RAIN, 1.33, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1115 PM, VT, Franklin, Georgia, , , 44.7258, -73.1183, RAIN, 1.46, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1115 PM, VT, Grand Isle, Alburgh, , , 44.9631, -73.2517, RAIN, 0.92, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, VT, Grand Isle, Grand Isle, , , 44.7253, -73.308, RAIN, 1.2, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,0105 PM, VT, Lamoille, Stowe 2.4 N, , , 44.5, -72.6856, RAIN, 0.81, Inch, COCORAHS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, VT, Lamoille, 0.8 W Johnson (VTWAC), , , 44.6353, -72.6942, RAIN, 1.81, Inch, MESOWEST, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1111 PM, VT, Rutland, Rutland Airport, , , 43.5167, -72.95, RAIN, 1.34, Inch, AWOS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, VT, Rutland, Danby, , , 43.3305, -73.0492, RAIN, 2.1, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1030 PM, VT, Rutland, 1.6 NW West Bridgewater , , , 43.6222, -72.7594, RAIN, 2.19, Inch, HADS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,0900 PM, VT, Rutland, 1.6 NW West Bridgewater , , , 43.6222, -72.7594, RAIN, 2.51, Inch, HADS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1115 PM, VT, Washington, MONTPELIER, , , 44.292, -72.5797, RAIN, 0.72, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1100 PM, VT, Washington, 4.5 S Waterbury, , , 44.2772, -72.7431, RAIN, 1.14, Inch, HADS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1115 PM, VT, Washington, BARRE, , , 44.2282, -72.5247, RAIN, 1.3, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1117 PM, VT, Washington, Montpelier Airport, , , 44.2, -72.5667, RAIN, 1.44, Inch, ASOS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1118 PM, VT, Washington, Worcester, , , 44.3667, -72.5417, RAIN, 1.55, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1120 PM, VT, Washington, 4 NE Waitsfield, , , 44.2442, -72.7658, RAIN, 1.8, Inch, AWS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1030 PM, VT, Windsor, 2.2 S Perkinsville, , , 43.3392, -72.5056, RAIN, 0.93, Inch, HADS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1054 PM, VT, Windsor, Springfield Airport, , , 43.35, -72.5167, RAIN, 1.54, Inch, ASOS, Storm total rainfall,
:12/11/2024,1115 PM, VT, Windsor, Rochester, , , 43.894, -72.7715, RAIN, 2.22, Inch, CWOP, Storm total rainfall,
Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.