NOUS41 KBTV 161952
Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Burlington VT
252 PM EST Sun Feb 16 2025
Location Speed Time/Date Lat/Lon/Elev (ft.)
...New York...
...Essex County...
2.8 S North Elba 35 MPH 1130 AM 02/16 44.24N/73.98W/2018
...Franklin County...
Malone 31 MPH 1135 AM 02/16 44.85N/74.33W/775
...St. Lawrence County...
Massena Airport 53 MPH 1202 PM 02/16 44.93N/74.85W/200
Louisville 35 MPH 1205 PM 02/16 44.87N/75.06W/279
Ogdensburg Airport 35 MPH 0235 PM 02/16 44.68N/75.47W/296
Potsdam Airport 31 MPH 1055 AM 02/16 44.68N/74.95W/445
1 WSW Edwardsville 31 MPH 0150 PM 02/16 44.51N/75.62W/367
...Chittenden County...
1.2 S Camels Hump State Park 44 MPH 0955 AM 02/16 44.21N/72.93W/2337
JERICHO 39 MPH 1258 PM 02/16 44.47N/72.97W/706
1.3 E Jonesville (VTRANS) 38 MPH 1215 PM 02/16 44.38N/72.91W/317
Jericho 37 MPH 1153 AM 02/16 44.45N/72.92W/826
DVI69464 32 MPH 0115 PM 02/16 44.46N/72.98W/714
...Rutland County...
Rutland Airport 49 MPH 1257 PM 02/16 43.52N/72.95W/757
Danby 41 MPH 1250 PM 02/16 43.33N/73.05W/1400
Rt-4 West Rutland 39 MPH 1235 PM 02/16 43.60N/73.07W/562
1.1 SW Gifford Woods State P 38 MPH 0105 PM 02/16 43.66N/72.83W/2139
0.7 NW Fair Haven (VTRANS) 34 MPH 1215 PM 02/16 43.60N/73.28W/360
...Windsor County...
Rochester 35 MPH 0230 PM 02/16 43.89N/72.77W/2040
2.6 E Rochester (VTWAC) 35 MPH 0230 PM 02/16 43.89N/72.77W/1930
:2/16/2025,1130 AM, NY, Essex, 2.8 S North Elba, , , 44.2416, -73.9835, PKGUST, 35, mph, NYSM, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,1135 AM, NY, Franklin, Malone, , , 44.8529, -74.3289, PKGUST, 31, mph, NYSM, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,1055 AM, NY, St. Lawrence, Potsdam Airport, , , 44.6833, -74.95, PKGUST, 31, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,0150 PM, NY, St. Lawrence, 1 WSW Edwardsville, , , 44.513, -75.6173, PKGUST, 31, mph, NYSM, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,1205 PM, NY, St. Lawrence, Louisville, , , 44.8717, -75.0561, PKGUST, 35, mph, NYSM, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,0235 PM, NY, St. Lawrence, Ogdensburg Airport, , , 44.6819, -75.4655, PKGUST, 35, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,1202 PM, NY, St. Lawrence, Massena Airport, , , 44.9333, -74.85, PKGUST, 53, mph, ASOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,0115 PM, VT, Chittenden, DVI69464, , , 44.4646, -72.9782, PKGUST, 32, mph, DAVIS, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,1153 AM, VT, Chittenden, Jericho, , , 44.4495, -72.925, PKGUST, 37, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,1215 PM, VT, Chittenden, 1.3 E Jonesville (VTRANS), , , 44.3795, -72.9119, PKGUST, 38, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,1258 PM, VT, Chittenden, JERICHO, , , 44.4655, -72.975, PKGUST, 39, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,0955 AM, VT, Chittenden, 1.2 S Camels Hump State Park (VTRANS), , , 44.2096, -72.93, PKGUST, 44, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,1215 PM, VT, Rutland, 0.7 NW Fair Haven (VTRANS), , , 43.6047, -73.2769, PKGUST, 34, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,0105 PM, VT, Rutland, 1.1 SW Gifford Woods State Park (VTRANS), , , 43.6639, -72.8308, PKGUST, 38, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,1235 PM, VT, Rutland, Rt-4 West Rutland, , , 43.6044, -73.0653, PKGUST, 39, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,1250 PM, VT, Rutland, Danby, , , 43.3305, -73.0492, PKGUST, 41, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,1257 PM, VT, Rutland, Rutland Airport, , , 43.5167, -72.95, PKGUST, 49, mph, AWOS, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,0230 PM, VT, Windsor, Rochester, , , 43.894, -72.7715, PKGUST, 35, mph, CWOP, Peak Wind Gust,
:2/16/2025,0230 PM, VT, Windsor, 2.6 E Rochester (VTWAC), , , 43.894, -72.7715, PKGUST, 35, mph, MESOWEST, Peak Wind Gust,
Observations are collected from a variety of sources with varying
equipment and exposures. We thank all volunteer weather observers
for their dedication. Not all data listed are considered official.