NOUS41 KBTV 061959
Public Information Statement
Spotter Reports
National Weather Service Burlington VT
259 PM EST Thu Feb 06 2025
The following are unofficial observations taken during the past 24
hours for the storm that has been affecting our region. Appreciation
is extended to highway departments, cooperative observers, Skywarn
spotters, and media partners for these reports. This summary is also
available on our home page at www.weather.gov/burlington.
********************STORM TOTAL SNOWFALL********************
...Clinton County...
Schuyler Falls 1.0 130 PM 2/06 Public
...Essex County...
1 SE Moriah 3.0 200 PM 2/06 Public
Port Henry 3.0 215 PM 2/06 Public
Ticonderoga 2.4 130 PM 2/06 Public
...Franklin County...
Paul Smiths 2.3 140 PM 2/06 Public
...St. Lawrence County...
Massena 2.5 230 PM 2/06 Trained Spotter
...Chittenden County...
2 SW Milton 2.8 1255 PM 2/06 NWS Employee
1 NE South Burlingto 2.6 255 PM 2/06 NWS Office
1 NNW Burlington 2.0 145 PM 2/06 NWS Employee
1 E Nashville 1.8 230 PM 2/06 NWS Employee
...Essex County...
4 WNW Maidstone 2.9 245 PM 2/06 Public
...Franklin County...
Georgia Center 2.3 200 PM 2/06 Public
...Grand Isle County...
2 NW Alburgh 2.0 200 PM 2/06 Public
...Orange County...
Fairlee 3.0 200 PM 2/06 Public
...Orleans County...
Newport Center 3.0 215 PM 2/06 Public
Orleans 2.8 200 PM 2/06 Public
2 W Derby Line 2.6 227 PM 2/06 CoCoRaHS
...Rutland County...
Brandon 2.5 200 PM 2/06 Public
Chittenden 2.0 145 PM 2/06 Public
3 SSW Wallingford 1.8 1230 PM 2/06 CoCoRaHS
...Washington County...
1 SSE Walden 4.5 255 PM 2/06 Trained Spotter
1 SW East Barre 3.2 215 PM 2/06 NWS Employee
Barre 2.0 145 PM 2/06 Public
...Windsor County...
Chester 4.0 215 PM 2/06 Public
:2/06/2025, 130 PM, NY, Clinton, Schuyler Falls, , , 44.62860, -73.55830, SNOW, 1.0, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 200 PM, NY, Essex, Moriah, 1, SE, 44.03976, -73.48576, SNOW, 3.0, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 215 PM, NY, Essex, Port Henry, , , 44.04700, -73.46070, SNOW, 3.0, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 130 PM, NY, Essex, Ticonderoga, , , 43.84700, -73.42560, SNOW, 2.4, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 140 PM, NY, Franklin, Paul Smiths, , , 44.43000, -74.25000, SNOW, 2.3, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 230 PM, NY, St. Lawrence, Massena, , , 44.92773, -74.88682, SNOW, 2.5, Inch, Trained Spotter, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 1255 PM, VT, Chittenden, Milton, 2, SW, 44.61750, -73.15330, SNOW, 2.8, Inch, NWS Employee, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 255 PM, VT, Chittenden, South Burlington, 1, NE, 44.48000, -73.15000, SNOW, 2.6, Inch, NWS Office, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 145 PM, VT, Chittenden, Burlington, 1, NNW, 44.50600, -73.23840, SNOW, 2.0, Inch, NWS Employee, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 230 PM, VT, Chittenden, Nashville, 1, E, 44.44972, -72.92699, SNOW, 1.8, Inch, NWS Employee, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 245 PM, VT, Essex, Maidstone, 4, WNW, 44.66190, -71.65035, SNOW, 2.9, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 200 PM, VT, Franklin, Georgia Center, , , 44.72750, -73.11810, SNOW, 2.3, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 200 PM, VT, Grand Isle, Alburgh, 2, NW, 44.99900, -73.32400, SNOW, 2.0, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 200 PM, VT, Orange, Fairlee, , , 43.90750, -72.14390, SNOW, 3.0, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 215 PM, VT, Orleans, Newport Center, , , 44.95000, -72.30000, SNOW, 3.0, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 200 PM, VT, Orleans, Orleans, , , 44.81060, -72.20180, SNOW, 2.8, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 227 PM, VT, Orleans, Derby Line, 2, W, 45.00455, -72.14170, SNOW, 2.6, Inch, CoCoRaHS, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 200 PM, VT, Rutland, Brandon, , , 43.80120, -73.08650, SNOW, 2.5, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 145 PM, VT, Rutland, Chittenden, , , 43.72000, -72.95000, SNOW, 2.0, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 1230 PM, VT, Rutland, Wallingford, 3, SSW, 43.43370, -72.99030, SNOW, 1.8, Inch, CoCoRaHS, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 255 PM, VT, Washington, Walden, 1, SSE, 44.41800, -72.22260, SNOW, 4.5, Inch, Trained Spotter, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 215 PM, VT, Washington, East Barre, 1, SW, 44.14890, -72.46280, SNOW, 3.2, Inch, NWS Employee, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 145 PM, VT, Washington, Barre, , , 44.20010, -72.50790, SNOW, 2.0, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,
:2/06/2025, 215 PM, VT, Windsor, Chester, , , 43.26280, -72.59390, SNOW, 4.0, Inch, Public, Storm Total Snow,